Student Voice and Agency

The development of personal leadership skills is vital for future success and so at Melton Secondary College

Leadership is for all – not just for a select few.

With a focus on student voice, students are encouraged to have input into classroom routines, programs and decisions about college life.

As students become invested in their own learning and their school community, they gain a better understanding of what good learning is and the purpose of it. Students are then able to evaluate their own work, and to more purposefully discuss progress and achievement with teachers, each of which has a significant impact on achievement. By empowering students to become partners in school decision making, it acknowledges that they can purposefully contribute to improving their schools and communities.

As part of a holistic approach to student leadership, voice and agency at Melton Secondary College we engage students through

  • School Representative Councils
  • Student Voice and Action Teams
  • Opportunities to feedback from student voice bodies to the Principals
  • Two dedicated Student Voice and Agency leader teacher positions of responsibility to support student voice
  • The consistent use of student feedback in all classrooms.

Student Leadership  

At Melton Secondary College, students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their agency and build skills across several tiers of formal student leadership.

Student leaders, captains and mentors receive training in public speaking, project planning, teamwork, peer mediation and conflict resolution. They are given opportunities to be involved in specialized programs such as that build confidence, empathy, a sense of social justice and global citizenship.