Students demonstrating a high level of sporting ability are encouraged to become part of our Athlete Development Program. The Athlete Development Program (ADP) aims to sustain and deepen student talent across a range of specific sports. The ADP provides an environment in which talented athletes have the opportunity to excel both in sport and life, through the additional training and support that is provided to them. Students are selected based on their sporting performance and fitness testing. 

What does the program offer?

  • Weekly training sessions, individualised for students’ needs
  • Physiological testing throughout the year (measuring aerobic endurance, muscular strength and power, speed, flexibility and agility)
  • Education of the necessary components to enable them to perform more consistently at a higher level
  • Nutritional education
  • Support regarding planning their fitness sessions, time management and effective study habits
  • The use of immediate video feedback to correct physical technique
  • Excursions to relevant sporting facilities

How does the program operate?

For more information about the Melton SecondaryCollege Athlete Development Program, please contact the Sports Specialism Leader Mr Tim Condon on (03) 9743 3322, or like our Facebook page for regular updates about our athletes’ performance.