School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support
The goal of School Wide Positive Behaviour Support at Melton Secondary College is to create and maintain a positive and safe learning environment that enhances our school culture where we maximise individual academic, social and emotional growth.
The Behaviour Expectation Matrix translates Melton Secondary College’s five core values into expected behaviours. The matrix clarifies what our behaviours should look, sound and feel like. Our expected behaviours are explicitly taught in every classrooms and consistently reinforced throughout the school.
Our matrices are displayed and positioned in many locations around the school and are referred to and discussed regularly with all students at Melton Secondary. As a school community we acknowledge, reinforce and recognise expected behaviours.
STARR Connect
Our school vision of a ‘a flourishing learning community’ recognizes that young people need both access to high levels of academic learning as well as social and emotional learning as described in the Capabilities of the Victorian Curriculum. Students will develop these capabilities when the explicit teaching of positive behaviours and mindsets occurs throughout the curriculum and daily interactions with staff.
All students at Melton Secondary College participate in a daily structured class called STARR Connect. STARR Connect is a comprehensive social and emotional learning (SEL) program that provides opportunities for students to build connection with their teachers and peers. The STARR curriculum takes a developmental approach to building important skills for learning such as resilience, emotional intelligence, collaborative skills and conflict resolution, goal setting, help seeking and leveraging personal strengths.
STARR Awards
When students demonstrate school wide expectations, staff will note their success with positive reinforcement. This may include social, activity or tangible reinforcers.
Students receive recognition for STARR awards in STARR Connect, at regular Year Level Assemblies, and at the End-of-Year Awards Evening.